COVID-19 Rapid Diagnostic Test also known as the Antibody Test Now Available at Rx For All Pharmacy!
Find out if you have had a recent or prior COVID-19 infection in only 10 minutes!
A COVID-19 Antibody test checks your blood by looking for antibodies, which may tell you if you had a past infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. Antibodies are proteins that help fight off infections and can provide protection against getting that disease again (immunity).
POSITIVE: Result indicates that an individual may have had previous exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19 and their body has developed specific antibodies to the virus.
NEGATIVE: Result means that the individual has not been exposed to COVID-19 and therefore has not developed antibodies to the virus.
La prueba de anticuerpos del COVID-19 verifica su sangre buscando anticuerpos, que pueden indicarle si tuvo una infección previa con el virus que causa COVID-19. Los anticuerpos son proteínas que ayudan a combatir las infecciones y pueden brindar protección contra la enfermedad nuevamente (inmunidad).
POSITIVO: El resultado indica que un individuo puede haber tenido una exposición previa al virus que causa COVID-19 y su cuerpo ha desarrollado anticuerpos específicos contra el virus.
NEGATIVO: El resultado significa que el individuo no ha estado expuesto al COVID-19 y, por lo tanto, no ha desarrollado anticuerpos contra el virus.
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